Design Thinking Detroit

Every great idea starts with… the customer in mind! Design Thinking Detroit allows businesses to develop and implement the most impactful ideas by employing empathetic problem-solving. This begins with documenting the customer journey to identify areas that can be filled or improved to create a seamless experience. Design Thinking Detroit can be used to improve customer experience, form dynamic teams, or accelerate business models.

Design Thinking Detroit keeps the desired outcome in mind as you work backward to discover an innovative and cost-effective solution. Many change management, technology, and transformation professionals have been adopting Design Thinking concepts to accelerate change in large organizations.

Stonehill Innovation is known as an expert in the Design Thinking space, with recognition for the projects completed and the ideas implemented. Our team has innovation labs in Tampa, Boston, Washington DC, Detroit, and Atlanta. We work in various industries, including financial services, healthcare, hospitality, real estate, and consumer goods, helping companies from Fortune 500 to startups. 

If you’re considering the potential impact of Design Thinking on your Detroit company, look no further than a Stonehill engagement. The Stonehill team is able to partner with you to identify opportunity, form agile teams, improve business process, and fine-tune overall customer experiences. 

Our Design Thanking Services are Available in the Following Markets

Design Thinking Austin Design Thinking Atlanta Design Thinking Boston

Design Thinking Charlotte Design Thinking Chicago Design Thinking Dallas

Design Thinking Denver Design Thinking Detroit Design Thinking Houston

Design Thinking New York Design Thinking Washington DC Design Thinking Orlando

Design Thinking Tampa Design Thinking Miami Design Thinking St. Louis

Design Thinking Los Angeles Design Thinking San Francisco